But first....see the last family picture taken as a family of three.
Sarah was born Friday, September 30th, 2011 at 1:40 pm. She weighed 8 lbs 6.6 oz. Labor was complicated by a kiwi-assisted delivery, a shoulder dystocia, a retained placenta, and post-partum hemorrhage, BUT mom and baby are both doing great, and we came home the next day. I think you will agree, she is our beautiful little princess! Michael is largely indifferent to her at this point, although he does like to bring her toys to play with (like fire trucks and choo choo trains) and he likes to brush her hair. (After he brushes his hair, my hair, and the toy trash truck's hair). It's really hard to get him to sit still, but hopefully we'll get both of them in the same picture soon! For now, here are some pics of Sarah at day 5 of life.
And finally, it's a little late, but here are Michael's official 2 year old pictures. At 2, he is becoming more and more independent, which means disciplining him is getting to be more and more of a challenge. He climbs on EVERYTHING. He can climb up to the top of his changing table by himself when he has a stinky (but he hasn't gotten the hang of pulling his pants down yet, thus making potty-training a bit slow going). We even found him on his cousin's top bunk bed the other day. He still loves all sorts of trucks, trains, and tractors. His other recent faves are play-doh and sidewalk chalk (and anything else he can find in the arts & crafts cabinet). He is learning his ABCs and 123s and likes to sing all the time. If he can't remember the words, he'll usually just substitute "fire truck" into whatever melody he's on.
Being a family of four is AWESOME.