Growth Ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 26, 2010

Having fun at the Park

It was a nice afternoon, and Mommy and Daddy had a few hours of overlapping time off, so they took me to the park to play. Here are my favorite parts.

First we played on the swings. (It is very hard to get a non-blurry picture on a swing set, but I think he had a good time!)

Then I got to try out the slide.

Daddy must want me to grow up to be a little daredevil.

I sure do love my Daddy!

Next I got to ride on a crazy horse.

Then on to the Monkey Bars to work on some pulls ups.

I'm concentrating so hard!

Made it! Now time to try to eat the bar.

Can someone please help me down now??

Finally Daddy helped me climb up high to go down another big slide!
Then it got a little windy.

Bye, Park! I hope I get to come back soon!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hanging out on the sofa

Michael and George play the piano

(George is the monkey.)

It's Spring!

I was working on Easter, but we did manage to take a few shots of Michael outside enjoying the beautiful weather. We bought some Easter Eggs after the fact, so we might stage an Easter Egg hunt later. In the meantime, Michael got to play outside with his Daddy, discover grass for the first time, and sit in a basket. Busy day!

Michael wears a hat!

Some may say the title of this post doesn't need an exclamation point. I disagree.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Michael is 7 months old! Can you believe it?

Apparently it's been a while since I posted pictures of Michael anywhere. His fans have been asking for some new ones. Here are some updates on what Michael's been up to over the past few months.

I love to eat carrots (and sweet potatoes, and oatmeal, and squash, and peaches)!

I like it when Grandma feeds me!

My Daddy gave me a new toy....

...And I love it!

I got to play at the aquarium.

I can sit up by myself. I roll all over the place. And I am learning to crawl (but not quite there yet.)

I love my Mommy!

But I REALLY love getting into the candy jar!

It's been so fun watching him learn new things every day. He is such a happy baby! He's starting to get really curious about the world. He is at that stage where he reaches for EVERYTHING and puts it directly into his mouth. Or tries to. Even if it's 10 times his size. He's fortunately been a really great eater, and an even better sleeper. We are some lucky parents!

Hopefully I will be better at posting pictures in the future!